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Get savings and support with ZORYVE Direct
The ZORYVE Direct Savings Card can help with out-of-pocket cost for patients with private drug insurance*
Eligible patients with commercial drug insurance may pay as little as $0 for ZORYVE

Actor portrayal.
*Subject to eligibility criteria and maximum program limitation. This offer is not valid for patients without commercial drug insurance or whose prescription claims are eligible to be reimbursed, in whole or in part, by any government program. Terms and Conditions may be viewed here.

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See if you qualify for the Savings Card
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By checking the “I certify” box below, I am agreeing that Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. and its service providers may use my personal information, including my contact information, information related to my medical condition, treatment, and insurance, and the information I supply in requesting the ZORYVE Direct Savings Card to administer the Savings Card Program, and to evaluate and improve its services and program(s).
You must read through and agree to the authorization above.
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Unfortunately, your response indicates that you are not eligible for the ZORYVE Direct Savings Card.
You may find other assistance by exploring the options below.
If you don't have insurance or don't have enough insurance, the Arcutis Cares™ Patient Assistance Program (PAP) provides Arcutis medication at no cost to eligible patients in financial need.* For program and application information, visit arcutiscares.com
Find Out More About Arcutis Cares*Subject to financial eligibility requirements. Other terms and restrictions apply.

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Terms and conditions may be viewed here.

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By checking the “I agree” box below, I am agreeing that Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. and its service providers may use my personal information, including my contact information, information related to my medical condition, treatment, and insurance, and the information I supply in requesting the ZORYVE Direct Savings Card to reach out to me by email for any of the following purposes: conduct adherence programs and provide reminders about my medication, contact me about market research, and/or provide me with information (including promotional materials) about its products, disease education, or financial assistance. I understand that I may opt out of receiving any future promotional emails by (i) emailing privacy@arcutis.com, (ii) clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any promotional emails, or (iii) using the contact information in the Privacy Notice.
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By checking the “I agree” box below, I am agreeing that Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. and its service providers (collectively, “Arcutis”) may use my personal information, including, information related to my medical condition, treatment, and insurance, and the information I supply in requesting the ZORYVE Direct Savings Card, to send me text messages to this phone number for any of the following purposes: to conduct adherence programs and provide reminders about my medication, to contact me about market research, and/or to provide me with information (including promotional materials) about Arcutis products, disease education, or financial assistance. I understand that these messages might be sent using an autodialer, that I am not required to provide this consent as a condition of purchasing any goods or services, and that I may opt out of receiving any further promotional text messages by replying STOP to any promotional text message from Arcutis.
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ZORYVE Direct Savings Card Terms and Conditions
Subject to program limitations and terms and conditions, the ZORYVE® Direct Savings Card Program is open to patients who have been prescribed ZORYVE cream consistent with the Prescribing Information and ZORYVE foam consistent with the Prescribing Information and who have commercial or private insurance. ZORYVE Direct helps eligible patients cover out-of-pocket medication costs for ZORYVE, up to program limits.
The ZORYVE Direct offer is not valid for patients enrolled in any Government Healthcare Program, including Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, and any other federal or state healthcare program, for cash-paying patients, or where prohibited by law. This offer is only valid in the United States and Puerto Rico.
ZORYVE Direct may modify the savings amount and patient out-of-pocket requirements at any time in its sole discretion. If at any time a patient enrolls in a Government Healthcare Program, the patient will no longer be able to use this card and must notify ZORYVE Direct immediately.
Patients must not seek reimbursement for the value received from ZORYVE Direct from any third-party payers, including a flexible spending account or healthcare savings account. By participating in this program, patients agree to comply with all rules and disclosure requirements imposed by their insurance plan and pharmacy benefit manager. Restrictions may apply. This offer is subject to change or discontinuation without notice. This is not health insurance.
Eligible patients may pay as little as $0 for each prescription fill, up to a Patient Total Program Savings determined by the program. These amounts will vary.
The Patient Total Program Savings will not exceed the Maximum Program Limit but may be less than the Maximum Program Limit. Patient out-of-pocket cost requirements and Patient Total Program Savings will vary depending on the type and terms of a patient's insurance plan and coverage, pharmacy location, and other factors determined solely by Arcutis Biotherapeutics. Each patient is responsible for costs above the Patient Total Program Savings amounts.
Patients must notify ZORYVE Direct of changes to their insurance. By accepting payments from the ZORYVE Direct Savings Card Program made on behalf of participating patients, participating pharmacy benefit managers, insurance plans, and pharmacies are responsible for providing ZORYVE Direct with accurate information regarding patients and eligibility.
Patient Total Program Savings amounts reset each calendar year and re-enrollment in the program is required at regular intervals. Patients who have questions should call (844) 979-1288 from 6:00am‑5:00 pm PT, Monday–Friday, except holidays.
To the Pharmacist:
By accepting the ZORYVE® Direct Savings Card for use, you are subject to its terms and conditions, and certify that you:
- Have not and will not submit a claim for reimbursement for this prescription to any Government Healthcare Program;
- Will enter full and accurate patient and insurance information, including relevant payer and PBM BIN numbers;
- Will follow all relevant insurance requirements and payer agreements;
- Will inform payers about the use of the ZORYVE Direct Savings Card as required by the insurance plan, contract, or other relevant law;
- Will not accept and/or utilize cash discount cards or other program information bearing a BIN number that could be mistaken for commercial insurance coverage;
- Will follow all ZORYVE Direct Savings Card terms and conditions, which may change periodically.
To process transactions, follow the steps below:
- Input commercial insurance card information as primary coverage. Any remaining patient responsibility will be displayed in the transaction response.
- Submit remaining patient responsibility to RIS Rx using BIN# 610020 and transmit using the appropriate COB segment of the NCPDP transaction as the secondary coverage. Applicable patient savings will be displayed in the transaction response.
For questions regarding setup, claim transmission, patient eligibility, or other issues, call (844) 979-1288.
The ZORYVE Direct Savings Card offer is not valid for patients enrolled in any Government Healthcare Program, including Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, and any other federal or state healthcare program, for cash-paying patients, or where prohibited by law or your agreement with patient’s insurance plan or pharmacy benefit manager. This offer is only valid in the United States and Puerto Rico.
If you don’t have insurance or don’t have enough insurance, the Arcutis Cares™ Patient Assistance Program (PAP) provides Arcutis medication at no cost to eligible patients in financial need.†
For program and application information, visit arcutiscares.com.
†Subject to financial eligibility requirements. Other terms and restrictions apply.